Source: | Author:goldenvictory | Published time: 2024-02-29 | 288 Views | Share:

A) On the leaves:

Small leaf


Color change spots on leaves,

Leaf spots,

Makes untimely leaf fall.

B) On Trunk and Shoots:

Shortening of the nodium intervals,


Cold wind damage,

Shoot drying,


It causes yellowing of leaves.

C) Its fruits:

Small fruit formation,

Fruit breakdown,

It causes low quality and productivity,

It prevents tillering and causes a lack of grain in spike.

Corn Plants Zinc deficiency symptom : Zinc deficiency in maize/corn generally occurs in 1-2 weeks of emergence, and occurs in large areas at the 3-5 leaf stage of seedlings. The old leaves of the seedlings appear small white spots, which rapidly expand to form partial white areas, which are translucent white silk-like, which are easily broken by wind. The new young leaves are light yellow to white, especially in the 1/3 near the base of the leaves. They are called "white seedlings" or "mosaic disease." With the growth of young leaves, the leaves show yellow-white and green stripes parallel to the main vein from the tongue to the tip of the leaf. Due to the difference of varieties and strains, sometimes the leaf edge is slightly purple. In severe zinc deficiency, colorless patches appear on the leaves and gradually connect into pieces, and the leaves become purple-brown and dry. Zinc-deficient plants grow short, with shortened internodes, and sometimes leaf occipital dislocation occurs. The root system is scarce, and some adventitious roots turn black and die. Plants with severe zinc deficiency often fail to head.